Ulrik Andersen, Technical University of Denmark
Erik Beckert, Fraunhofer IOF
Mathias Van den Bossche, Thales Alenia Space
Marcos Curty, Universida de Vigo
Sander Dorenbos, Single Quantum BV
Bettina Heim, OHB System AG
Rainer Kaltenbaek, University of Vienna
Steve Maddox, Teledyne e2v
Florian Moll, DLR - Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation
Mauro Paternostro, Queen's University Belfast
Christoph Pacher, Austrian Institute of Technology
Stephan Schiller, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Klaus Schilling, Zentrum für Telematik e.V.
Stephan Seidel, OHB System AG
Rui Semide, LusoSpace
Niccolo Somaschi, Quandela
Vladyslav Usenko, Palacký University of Olomouc
Paolo Villoresi, University of Padova
Tristan Valenzuela, RAL Space
Cliff Weatherup, Teledyne e2v
Herwig Zech, Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG